[Python-Dev] Problems in stdlib before 2.3b2

Fredrik Lundh fredrik@pythonware.com
Sun, 29 Jun 2003 22:53:51 +0200

(hi python-dev, long time no see)

Guido wrote:

> >         xmlrpclib.py:   around line 734, Fault() is instantiated with
> >                         only keyword arguments, there are 2 required
> >                         arguments.  I don't know how to get the
> >                         faultCode and faultString.
> I saw this line was my checkin when switching from apply() to *args,
> **kwds calls, but the original code did not provide any positional
> arguments either.  This code has been like this since 2001.
> Given the comment at the start of the Unmarshaller class ("and again,
> if you don't understand what's going on in here, that's perfectly
> ok"), it's not inconceivable that the stack actually contains the
> required keywords, so I don't even know if this is an actual bug.
> Or possibly it is, but that particular condition is never true.

Not unless the other end is sending you junk, in case you want
an exception at that point (one could argue if the exception you
get is really the exception you want, but nobody's complained in
the last four years, so we're probably safe).

regards /F