[Python-Dev] Re: Capabilities
Samuele Pedroni
Mon, 10 Mar 2003 15:18:43 +0100
From: "Jim Fulton" <jim@zope.com>
> How can it be used to break out of restricted execution?
> I see three risks:
> 1. The exception provides methods to do harmful things,
> such as create side effects or provide access to data outside
> the exception.
> 2. The exception creates data that needs to be protected. For example
> Zope uses a NotFoundError exception taht contains an object being
> 3. The exception methods meta data provide access to module globals.
> Risk 1 needs to be mitigated through proper exception design. Exceptions
> need to be limited in what their methods do. This is a bit brittle, but
> all standard exceptions have this property.
> Risk 2 is mitigated by proxying exception instance data. Proxies can do
> This is what we've decided to do, although we haven't implemented it yet.
> Risk 3 is mitigated by restricted execution.
> Have I missed anything?
OK, I have had the time to really try what I was thinking about. I have not
found a way to really break out from restricted execution
(does not mean I'm sure there isn't) BUT:
I'm considering:
- Python 2.2.2
- Zope 3 3.0a1 and
with zope.security.simplepolicies.ParanoidSecurityPolicy (the default)
1. a bug (rexec had it too). If I remember correctly the solution is
re-injecting __builtins__ before each exec
Python 2.2.2 (#37, Oct 14 2002, 17:02:34) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sys
>>> sys.path.append('..\..')
>>> from zope.security.interpreter import RestrictedInterpreter
>>> ri=RestrictedInterpreter()
>>> ri.ri_exec("class A: pass")
>>> ri.ri_exec("print A.__dict__")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
File "..\..\zope\security\interpreter.py", line 32, in ri_exec
exec code in self.globals
File "<string>", line 1, in ?
RuntimeError: class.__dict__ not accessible in restricted mode
>>> ri.ri_exec("del __builtins__")
>>> ri.ri_exec("print A.__dict__")
{'__module__': '__builtin__', '__doc__': None}
or be sure to call ri_exec only once on each RestrictedInterpreter instance.
Assuming that fixed:
2. If code executed under a RestrictedInterpreter could obtain a MyExc instance
and had a working unproxied/non-proxying 'property' built-in, it could very
likely break out from restricted execution. Fortunately the 'property' passed
to such code is not working. Given that that's not the case I skip the
3. How much this scenario is likely really depend on how RestrictedInterpreter
is used, how and where exceptions are defined, if really restricted code can
manage to get an instance of one of them ... if further restrictions e.g. on
subclassing are added or removed ... if the general situation of restricted
execution and new-style classes improve. All of this I don't know.
Here I consider: a "dangerous" function ('sys.exit') is imported in the same
module where MyExc is defined, MyExc is not defined under restricted execution,
a proxied function is passed to restricted code such that it can capture an
instance of MyExc (as I said whether this set of things is likely/unlikely I
don't know):
import sys
from sys import exit # !!! same module as MyExc
from zope.security.interpreter import RestrictedInterpreter
from zope.security.checker import ProxyFactory
class MyExc(Exception): # !!! definition outside of resticted execution
def __init__(self,msg):
self.message = msg
def __str__(self):
return self.message
def myfunc():
raise MyExc('foo')
ri = RestrictedInterpreter()
ri.globals['myfunc'] = ProxyFactory(myfunc)
f = open('c:/Documenti/x.txt','r')
code = f.read()
print "OK"
Anyway I have a _very baroque_ x.txt that manages to call sys.exit.