[Python-Dev] Care to sprint on the core at PyCon?
Jeremy Hylton
12 Mar 2003 16:43:38 -0500
On Wed, 2003-03-12 at 16:36, Brett Cannon wrote:
> Four members of PythonLabs will be at the pre-PyCon sprint (more info on
> sprints at http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/moinmoin/SprintPlan ) running one
> for the Python core. If you would like to attend, email me at
> brett@python.org to say so. You must be registered for PyCon to be able
> to attend. And please do this ASAP so we can get the ball rolling on this
> and lock down who will be there.
Thanks for taking this up! There is still some room for sprinters.
> And regardless whether you care to attend or not, please look at
> http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/moinmoin/PyCoreSprint and make suggestions
> on what the group should sprint on.
I would like to do some sprinting on the ast branch, which I noted in
the wiki.