[Python-Dev] How to test this?

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com
Mon, 5 May 2003 16:24:59 -0500

    Martin> Make sure you use -kb in the cvs add. 

Thanks, I'd forgotten about that.

    Martin> Apart from that, it would be fine by me - except that I recall
    Martin> that the file format is endianness-sensitive, so you should make
    Martin> sure that the test passes on machines of both endiannesses
    Martin> before adding the file.

It appears the database itself accounts for the endianness of the file.  I
copied my test db file from my Mac to a Linux PC.  struct.unpack("=l",
f.read(4)) showed different values on the two systems (0x61561 vs
0x61150600) but bsddb185 on both systems could read the file.  This is a
very nice property of Berkeley DB in general.  I copy db files from the
spambayes project all the time.  rsync(1) sure beats the heck out of dumping
and reloading a 20+MB file all the time.
