[Python-Dev] MS VC 7 offer

Moore, Paul Paul.Moore@atosorigin.com
Thu, 8 May 2003 12:53:54 +0100

From: Neil Hodgson [mailto:nhodgson@bigpond.net.au]
> Possible issues with moving to VC7 are ensuring compatibility with
> extension modules

That's the one that I see as most important. For the PythonLabs
distribution to move to VC7, it sounds as if many of the Windows
binary extensions in existence will also need to be built with VC7.
I've no idea how much of a problem this would be to extension
authors, but it would be a problem to end users if extension authors
could no longer provide binaries.

For reference, extensions I'd be in trouble without include win32all,
wxPython, cx_Oracle, pyXML (on occasion), ctypes, PIL, mod_python. I've
used many others on occasion, and no VC7 version would be an issue
for me.

So I guess that's the key issue. Can the majority of extension authors
produce VC7-compatible binaries? This probably needs to be asked on
comp.lang.python, not just on python-dev.
