[Python-Dev] Need some patches checked

Brett C. drifty@alum.berkeley.edu
Sun, 11 May 2003 16:33:52 -0700

Since I am trying to tackle patches that were not written by me for the 
first time I need someone to check that I am doing the right thing.

http://www.python.org/sf/649742 is a patch to make adding headers to 
urllib2's Request object have consistent case.  I cleaned up the patch 
and everything seems reasonable and I don't see how doing this will hurt 
backwards-compatibilty short of code that tried to add multiple headers 
of the same name with different case which is not legal anyway for HTTP.

http://www.python.org/sf/639139 is a patch wanting to remove an 
isinstance assertion.  Raymond initially suggested weakening the 
assertion to doing attribute checks.  I personally see no reason we 
can't just take the check out entirely since the code does not appear to 
have any place where it will mask an AttributeError exception and the 
comment for the assert says it is just for checking the interface.  But 
since Raymond initially wanted to go another direction I need someone to 
step in and give me some advice (or Raymond can look at it again; patch 
is old).
