[Python-Dev] Re: C new-style classes and GC

Moore, Paul Paul.Moore@atosorigin.com
Mon, 19 May 2003 10:36:27 +0100

From: Jim Fulton [mailto:jim@zope.com]
> You can read the documentation for it here:

> http://www.python.org/dev/doc/devel/ext/defining-new-types.html

Just looking at this, I note the "Note" at the top. The way
this reads, it implies that details of how things used to work
has been removed. I don't know if this is true, but I'd prefer
if it wasn't.

People upgrading their extensions would find the older
information useful (actually, an "Upgrading from the older API"
section would be even nicer, but that involves more work...)
Having to refer to an older copy of the documentation (which they
may not even have installed) could tip the balance between "lets
keep up to date" and "if it works, don't fix it".

Heck, I still have some code I wrote for the 1.4 API which still
works. I've never got round to upgrading it, on the basis that
someone might be using it with 1.5 still. But when I do, I'd
dump pre-2.2 support, so *I* have no use for "older" documentation
except to find out what all that old code meant... :-)

If the old information is still there, maybe it's just the tone
of the note that should be changed.
