[Python-Dev] Re: C new-style classes and GC

Moore, Paul Paul.Moore@atosorigin.com
Tue, 20 May 2003 10:19:09 +0100

From: Tim Peters [mailto:tim@zope.com]
> What remains unclear is what good the older documentation
> would do anyone. You're going to migrate or you're not.
> If you don't, you don't need the new docs; if you do, you
> don't need the old docs

My thought was that if & when I ever go back to this code, the
chance of me remembering what the old APIs do is pretty small.
Upgrading therefore includes an element of reading the old docs
to reverse engineer my original intent :-)

But I take the point - this scenario is unlikely enough to be
not worth worrying about.

Thanks for your explanation,