[Python-Dev] Re: Python 2.2.3

Barry Warsaw barry@python.org
22 May 2003 11:03:32 -0400

On Thu, 2003-05-22 at 10:23, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> We're going to put together Python 2.2.3 for release today.  Plan on a
> check-in freeze starting at 3pm EDT.  If you have stuff you need to get
> in, do it now, but please be conservative.

Let me clarify.  After Pylab discussions, we've decided we're going to
make this 2.2.3c1 (release candidate 1).  It's important that folks with
commercial (and other) interest in a solid 2.2.3 release have time to
test it, so we'll do the final 2.2.3 release next week.
