[Python-Dev] HP Test Drive systems

Anthony Baxter anthony at interlink.com.au
Wed Oct 1 01:54:26 EDT 2003

If you've found the Sourceforge Compile Farm a bit lacking in
the numbers of systems available, I highly recommend the HP
testdrive program (ok, to be fair, it was originally the DEC
testdrive program to allow you to play with OSF/1 on Alphas, 
then the Compaq testdrive program, but HP's added a bunch of 
their own systems to it, as well as a wide variety of the free
linux and bsd variants). I've appended the list of systems that 
are currently available to the bottom of this list. mwh and I 
have been using these to track down all manner of wacky O/S-
dependent errors.

Sign up for it at http://www.testdrive.compaq.com/


Test Drive                            System Type                    
HP Tru64 Unix 4.0g(JAVA)          AS1200 2 at 533MHz (ev56)     
HP Tru64 Unix 5.1b(JAVA)          DS20L 2 at 833MHz(ev68)       
HP Tru64 Unix 5.1b(JAVA)          DS20E 2 at 667MHz (ev67)      
HP Tru64 Unix 5.1b(JAVA)          ES40 4 at 833MHz (ev67)       
HP Tru64 Unix 5.1b(JAVA)          ES45 4 at 1GHz (ev68)         
HP Tru64 Unix 5.1b(JAVA)          ES47 2x1GHz (ev7)          
HP OpenVMS 7.3-2 EFT              DS10-L 1 at 466MHz (ev6)      
HP OpenVMS 7.3-1                  DS20 2 at 500MHz (ev6)        
HP-UX 11i 11.22                   rx2600 2 at 900MHz (Itanium II) 
HP-UX 11i 11.22                   rx2600 2 at 900MHz (Itanium II) 
HP-UX 11i 11.11                   rp2470 2 at 750MHz (PA-RISC)  
HP-UX 11i 11.11                   rp2470 2 at 750MHz (PA-RISC)  

Linux Test Drives:

Test Drive                            System Type                    
Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 on Intel     ProLiant DL360 G2 1.4GHz (P3)
Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 on Intel     rx2600 2 at 900MHz (Itanium II) 
Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 on Alpha     XP1000a 1 at 667MHz (ev6)     
Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 on Alpha     DS20 2 at 500MHz (ev6)        
Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 on PA-RISC   rp5470 1 at 550MHz (PA-RISC)  
Mandrake Linux 9.1 on Intel       ProLiant ML530 2 at 800MHz (P3) 
Red Hat Ent Linux ES 2.1 on Intel ProLiant ML530 2 at 1.0GHz (P3) 
Red Hat Ent Linux AS 2.1 on Intel ProLiant DL360 2 at 800MHz (P3) 
Red Hat Ent Linux AS 2.1 on Intel rx2600 2 at 900MHz (ItaniumII)
Red Hat Ent Linux AS 2.1 on Intel rx2600 2 at 900MHz (ItaniumII)
Red Hat Ent Linux AS 2.1 on Intel Intel 4 at 1.4GHz (Itanium II)
Red Hat Linux 7.2 on Alpha        DS20 2 at 500MHz (ev6)        
Red Hat Linux 7.2 on Alpha(JAVA)  ES40 4 at 667MHz (ev67)       
Slackware Linux 9.0 on Intel      ProLiant ML530 2 at 800MHz (P3) 
SuSE Linux Ent Svr 8.0 on Intel   ProLiant DL360 2 at 1.4GHz (P3) 
SuSE Linux 7.2a on Intel          DL590 4 at 800MHz (Itanium I) 
SuSE Linux 7.1 on Alpha           DS10-L 1 at 466MHz (ev6)      
SuSE Linux 7.1 on Alpha           ES40 2 at 667MHz (ev67)       
SuSE Linux 7.1 on Alpha(JAVA)     DS20e 2 at 667MHz (ev67)      

BSD Test Drives:

Test Drive                        System Type                         
FreeBSD 4.8 on Intel              ProLiant DL360 2 at 1.4GHz (P3) 
FreeBSD 4.8 on Alpha              XP1000a 1 at 667MHz (ev6)     
OpenBSD 3.2 on Intel              ProLiant DL360 2 at 1.2GHz (P3) 
NetBSD 1.6 on Intel               ProLiant DL360 2 at 1.2GHz (P3) 

Cluster Test Drives:
Beowulf BrickWall Cluster         DS10 & DS10-L(8) 466MHz (ev6) 
HP TruCluster Server 5.1b(JAVA)   ES40 883Mhz & DS20E 667Mhz 
OpenVMS 7.3 Galaxy Cluster        AS4100 EV56                
OpenVMS 7.3 Galaxy Cluster        AS4100 EV56                
Red Hat Advanced Server Cluster   ProLiant DL360x2 2 at 800MHz (P3)

iPAQ TestDrive Developer Program:

Test Drive                        System Type                      
iPAQ                              iPAQ H3650                 

Application Test Drives:

Test Drive                        System Type                 
Oracle 9iAS Portal Tru64 Unix5.1B ES40 4 at 667MHz (ev6)        
Oracle 9iRAC 9.2.0 on Tru64 Unix  ES45 @1GHz & ES40 @833MHz 

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