[Python-Dev] Re: accumulator display syntax

Moore, Paul Paul.Moore at atosorigin.com
Mon Oct 20 11:51:04 EDT 2003

From: Alex Martelli [mailto:aleaxit at yahoo.com]
>> Hmm, just had a strange thought:
>>    y = copy of x
>> How would that be for executable pseudocode? It's entirely possible to do

> Awesomely pseudocoder (what a comparative...!-) wrt the current "y = 
> copy.copy(x)".  You WOULD need to "from copy import copy" first, presumably,
> but still...

Did I miss April 1st? We seem to be discussing the merits of

    f of arg

as an alternative form of


While I'm sure Cobol had some good points, I don't believe that this was one
of them...

If there is any merit to this proposal, it's very rapidly being lost in
examples of rewriting things which are simple function calls.


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