[Python-Dev] prePEP: Money data type
Batista, Facundo
FBatista at uniFON.com.ar
Fri Oct 24 10:42:00 EDT 2003
Nick Coghlan wrote:
#- > I'm urged to have a Money data type, but I'll see if I can
#- get it through
#- > Decimal, improving/fixing/extedign Decimal and saving
#- effort at the same
#- > time.
#- And there is always the "class Money(Decimal):" option, as well.
Sure, I think that's the way to do it.
But first I need to know what problems have Decimal (if it isn't in the
standard library, it's sure it needs work).
Anyway, I'm burning my mind with the IBM specification of Decimal Arithmetic
and studying the class itself. Then I'll work out the test cases, see what
must be done, *do it* (if I can), and theeeeeeeeeeen start thinking again
about Money.
. Facundo
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