[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 318: Decorators last before colon

Simon Percivall s.percivall at chello.se
Mon Apr 5 22:00:50 EDT 2004

On 2004-04-06, at 01.24, David Eppstein wrote:
> Ok, then how about
>     <decorator>
>     def ...
> ?
> '<' can't start an expression or statement currently, can it?

Yeah. I think that would look better. On the other hand ...

On 2004-03-31, at 17.42, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Why does <...> look better than [...]?  To me, <...> just reminds me
> of XML, which is totally the wrong association.
> There are several parsing problems with <...>: the lexer doesn't see <
> and > as matched brackets, so you won't be able to break lines without
> using a backslash, and the closing > is ambiguous -- it might be a
> comparison operator.

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