[Python-Dev] PEP 329: Treating Builtins as Constants in the Standard Library

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Mon Apr 19 15:25:00 EDT 2004

At 02:37 PM 4/19/04 -0400, Nick Bastin wrote:

>You could, of course, create a statement like "const len" to flag that len 
>will NOT be changed, thus creating true backwards compatibility, but you'd 
>like to believe that const is the 95% use case, and thus it should be 
>"volatile foo" when you want to change foo, but that's not all that 
>backwards compatible.

For names that are never bound by a module's code (i.e. no 'foo=', 'import 
foo', 'global foo'), it should be safe to make them "constant", since there 
is nothing that can change them now except tinkering with the builtins, or 
assigning them from outside modules.  (The big hurdle here is 'from 
somewhere import *' if 'somewhere' defines any names that shadow 
builtins.  Of course, one could simply say that using 'import *' disables 
this optimization.)

I'm more cautious wrt module globals, however.  As I've been thinking about 
this today, I keep finding things that will not quite work as expected if 
too many globals become "constants".  Optimizing only builtins, however, 
would probably give plenty of speed improvement, and not require anything 
more complex than:

len = len

to re-enable substitution of a given builtin.  But I think module objects 
would need to change in a way that allows a loaded module to flag what 
builtins are changeable, so that warnings could be generated during the 
transition period.

IOW, module objects need to know what names they should reject for 
__setattr__, and whether the rejection should be a warning or 
error.  Modules with 'from __future__ import fast_builtins' would generate 
errors when other code tried to modify their builtins, and the rest would 
issue warnings indicating that you must specifically enable that by 
assigning to the builtin in the target module.

Hm.  That means, by the way, that the compiler would need to detect these 
issues and track modifiable builtins in *all* modules, not just those using 
the future statement.  But only the ones using the future statement would 
be able to take advantage of faster access to builtins (or builtin 
replacements like a "len" opcode, or compiler tricks to optimize away 

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