[Python-Dev] Bug day coming up this Saturday

A.M. Kuchling amk at amk.ca
Mon Aug 2 21:18:15 CEST 2004

The third Python Bug Day is coming up this Saturday, August 7 2004.

Having more participation from people with CVS access would be very
helpful.  On the two previous bug days, there have been several
non-developers contributing but only one or two people who can
actually check in code or close bugs.  You don't need to hang around
all day; an hour or two is enough.

This will be the last bug day before October.  I won't be running a
bug day in September because I'm getting married on September 19th and
will need every spare weekend possible.  If someone else wants to
organize a September bug day, please do.  (The tasks are pretty
simple: updating the Wiki pages before the chosen date, and then
staying on IRC for the entire day, to ensure that there's
*someone* around to answer questions and commit things.)


This Saturday, August 7, 2004, from 9AM to 5PM EDT (1PM to 9PM GMT).
You don't need to be around all day; feel free to stop by for a few hours
and contribute.


The #python-dev channel on irc.freenode.net.

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