[Python-Dev] Re: @decorators, the PEP and the "options" out there?

Nicolas Fleury nidoizo at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 5 22:02:44 CEST 2004

IxokaI wrote:
>   Ack. I'd *never* use those syntaxes :) They are not ambigious, but
> just... complicated. The function name is too hidden, and really, that
> is in most cases the most important piece of information on that line.

Ok, now I understand.
1.If the syntax is "before def", it is outside the definition.
2.If the syntax is "just after def keyword", it hides the function name.
3.If the syntax is "after definition", it cause ugly line wraps.

Maybe it's me, but I expect that me and beginners from C++ would use 
mostly use things like staticmethod and that makes me prefer #2 and #3 


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