[Python-Dev] pre-PEP: Complete, Structured Regular Expression Group Matching

Raymond Hettinger python at rcn.com
Fri Aug 6 16:30:10 CEST 2004

> A notable limitation of the ``re.match`` method is that it fails to
> capture all group match information for repeatedly matched groups.
> For example, in a call like this ::
>     m0 = re.match(r'([A-Z]|[a-z])*', 'XxxxYzz')
> one would like to see that the group which matched four times matched
> the strings ``'X'``, ``'xxx'``, ``'Y'`` and ``'zz'``.  

I suspect there is a typo in the example and that the asterisk should
precede the right paren:

     m0 = re.match(r'([A-Z]|[a-z]*)', 'XxxxYzz')


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