[Python-Dev] Re: Call for defense of @decorators

Anthony Baxter anthony at interlink.com.au
Sun Aug 8 13:52:49 CEST 2004

Roman Suzi wrote:
> On Sat, 7 Aug 2004, [ISO-8859-1] "Martin v. L?wis" wrote:
>>>But must it be "@", such an eye-catching, ugly piece
>>>of flie-dirt?
>>If you don't like the current proposal, try to find objective
>>reasons, in addition to the subjective ones. Also, try to come
>>up with counter-proposals that are well thought-out, instead of
>>being created in a rush. In particular, if all you are concerned
>>with is the specific choice of operator, propose a different one.
> BTW, hat is wrong with my %-proposal:
> def foo(self) % decor():
>    body

Guido has already ruled out the decorators-after-function-arguments
form. See the last week's archives for python-dev - thread subject
was "def fn (args) [dec,dec]:"

Anthony Baxter     <anthony at interlink.com.au>
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

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