[Python-Dev] Re: def fn (args) [dec,dec]:
John Lenton
john at grulic.org.ar
Wed Aug 11 00:46:44 CEST 2004
On Mon, Aug 09, 2004 at 01:05:48PM +1200, Greg Ewing wrote:
> Perhaps someone can post some real-life use cases written with this
> syntax, so we can see what it would *really* look like in typical use,
> as opposed to made-up worst-case examples?
well, how about this:
def someMethod(klass, anarg, otharg, lastarg):
Long description that explains the details about someMethod.
Aliquam venenatis orci in risus. Nunc ornare aliquam
lectus. Integer ligula turpis, posuere id, commodo ut, molestie
id, est. Donec eu odio. Fusce at tellus in erat iaculis
suscipit. Nulla metus dui, tristique vel, posuere sed,
consectetuer sed, pede. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique
senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris in
orci sed metus porta auctor.
@pre some_validator(lastarg)
@post rv_validator(__return__)
@type anarg: aClass
@param anarg: desc of anarg
@type otharg: othClass
@param otharg: desc of otharg
@type lastarg: lastClass
@param lastarg: longer desc of lastarg because it's special
@rtype: rClass
@return: return value description
someMethod = classmethod(someMethod)
(yes, I have code that looks like this, roughly, from memory; I
make no claims as to typicality)
this could be rendered as (inventing some stuff here, probably
suboptimally; also, I assume you can access the args of the
function by name---I'm unable to verify that at this time):
@param(anarg, aClass, 'desc of anarg')
@param(otharg, othClass, 'desc of otharg')
@param(lastarg, lastClass, "longer desc of lastarg because it's special")
@return(rClass, 'return value description')
@precondition(some_validator, lastarg)
def someMethod(klass, anarg, otharg, lastarg):
Long description that explains the details about someMethod.
Aliquam venenatis orci in risus. Nunc ornare aliquam
lectus. Integer ligula turpis, posuere id, commodo ut, molestie
id, est. Donec eu odio. Fusce at tellus in erat iaculis
suscipit. Nulla metus dui, tristique vel, posuere sed,
consectetuer sed, pede. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique
senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris in
orci sed metus porta auctor.
def someMethod(klass, anarg, otharg, lastarg) \
[param(anarg, aClass, 'desc of anarg'),
param(otharg, othClass, 'desc of otharg'),
param(lastarg, lastClass, "longer desc of lastarg because it's special"),
return(rClass, 'return value description'),
precondition(some_validator, lastarg),
Long description that explains the details about someMethod.
Aliquam venenatis orci in risus. Nunc ornare aliquam
lectus. Integer ligula turpis, posuere id, commodo ut, molestie
id, est. Donec eu odio. Fusce at tellus in erat iaculis
suscipit. Nulla metus dui, tristique vel, posuere sed,
consectetuer sed, pede. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique
senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris in
orci sed metus porta auctor.
I must say I found decorators' '@' ugly until I thought about
using it for doing what epydoc and contract do in docstrings...
John Lenton (john at grulic.org.ar) -- Random fortune:
Se olvida una buena acción, y no un buen bofetón.
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