[Python-Dev] Another approach to decorators.

Martin Zarate mzarate at uoguelph.ca
Tue Aug 10 18:55:19 CEST 2004

Hello.  I've already thrown a few cents into this debate, and have read every 
post on it.  I've used Ruby, so I love being able to make blocks for whatever 
I want - which is why Python's decorator syntax interests me.  Its not as 
powerful as Ruby blocks, but its a close approach for some things.  I can see 
the problems are legion.  I think the fundamental difficulty is that Python is 
line-oriented, and decorators break this - they either make a gigantic line 
that the coder remakes as they see fit (very unpython) or a multi-line mess, 
which Python does not have for any statements.  Second is that Python is an 
extremely legible language, and most decorator syntaxes are not.

@ means nothing to an uninformed eye.  This violates the most important 
feature of Python (imho) which is that it is "runnable pseudocode".  A coder 
will see what "def" or "class" or "import" means just by looking at it.  @ is 

I submit that a reserved keyword would fit much better in the @ place.  
Second, that comma-based delimiting (like the global statement) would also be 
nicer, to avoid line-after-line of decoration.

For example, lets say our keyword is "remake" - a bad word, a better one 
should be used, but I'm tired of thinking of one.

remake functor(foo, bar)
remake staticmethod
def baz():

or, alternately,

remake functor(foo,bar), staticmethod
def baz():

but either way, the system doesn't look very Python, as you've a multi-line 

I submit that the most Python solution, that would also be legible (but not 
necessarily very pretty) would be to actually make the decorator a bona-fide 
block that you nest your class or function into.

remake functor(foo, bar), staticmethod:
     def baz():

This concretely shows the relationship of the original define statement to its 
wrapper objects.  The principle is simple - the remake block will close with 
only one object in its immediate namespace, and that object will be wrapped by 
each of its argument objects in turn, and place it in its surrounding 
namespace with the same name.  Thus, more general-purpose oddball approaches 
could be used, such as, lambdas or even rewrapping an external object.  For 
example, in order to import a C-based extension module as a member method in a 

class foo(number):
      remake instancemethod:
            sin = math.sin

bar = foo()
num = bar.sin

or something like that.

other good keywords that could be used instead of remake: wrap, decorate, as, 
etc.  I'm sure you can all think of something better than @.

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