[Python-Dev] 2.4a3 release is September 2, SF tracker keywords

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Thu Aug 19 18:48:08 CEST 2004

[Anthony Baxter]
> After consultations with the relevant folks, I want to
> get 2.4a3 out the door on September 2nd.

+1 on both parts.  In particular, changes since a2 have been too rapid
and broad to be comfortable with calling the next one a beta.

> ...
> I'm wondering if there's a way I can mark bugs
> and patches that should be in before b1. It appears
> from SF's tracker that the only way I'm going to be
> able to do that is by putting keywords in the summary.
> I'm considering doing this.

Changing priorities has worked well for this in the past.  SF even
colors them differently

I'm going to add one for you:

     - must be resolved for a3

Priority 9.  It gets addressed or a3 doesn't ship.

>   - should be in before b1 (changes functionality)

Priority 8.

>   - should be in before final

Priority 7.

>   - regression since 2.3

Depends on whether the specific regression must be resolved for a3,
b1, or final -- or is going to be declared "a feature" and 2.3's
behavior "a bug".

> Does anyone else have any others that they think are
> useful? I'd probably go with something like [beta],
> [final], [regr] in the summary.

Over time, those tags become misleading, because they're so easy to
ignore.  People won't allow high priorities to remain high, though. 
It irritates them.  That's good <wink>.

> The other alternative is to make a bunch of new groups - this
> doesn't excite me at all, because a) I can't do it, and b) we can't
> get rid of them once they're in.

Yup, new groups suck.

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