[Python-Dev] python-dev Summary for 2004-08-01
through 2004-08-15[draft]
Brett C.
bac at OCF.Berkeley.EDU
Mon Aug 23 21:08:54 CEST 2004
Robert Brewer wrote:
> Brett C. wrote:
>>Option two out of all of this is people just say, "summarize what you
>>want, Brett." Then I just cover what I find interesting and just
> don't
>>worry about covering a specific area.
> +1. Bring back "Skipped Threads" if you can, just for the sake of
> indexing completeness.
Do people miss the "Skipped Threads" feature of the summaries? Part of
the point of cutting down is so I can just delete the threads that
won't be covered and cut down on my inbox. But if people do like the
feature then I could stand to leave the emails in my box and have a
list of threads I just didn't touch (sans linking, that is just not
worth the hassle until I write a tool to generate the links automatically).
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