[Python-Dev] Minimal 'stackless' PEP using generators?

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Thu Aug 26 17:12:46 CEST 2004

Clark C. Evans wrote:


> With these two changes, the "lower" function could be an async reactor
> like those found in Twisted, or async core.  While the result isn't true
> coutines, it would be a huge improvement for those who would like to do
> async coding.   I've done something similar with Twisted called Flow [1]
> and it works well, with the exception of being a painful syntax hack and
> being quite slow.   If this was moved into Python's core, we'd get most
> of the advantages of coroutines without the full cost.
> Thoughts?

Well, I just think "no".
Generators, as limited as they are in Python, make
some sense.
Coroutines for me have the advantage to make a context
switch. While generators are very often called in
a context where they even could be inlined, coroutines
should be really independent. But they are not independent
if you just cannot switch, because one of them just happens
to call a different function.
A typical use of coroutines is the situation where it
cannot be deduced who is caller or callee.

What I mean, those situations which can be solved with
a stack are the trivial cases, and that is exactly
*not* what Stackless is about.

ciao - chris
Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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