[Python-Dev] PEP: __source__ proposal

Michael Walter michael.walter at gmail.com
Sat Dec 4 06:19:20 CET 2004


I think you were the omitting the more interesting closure examples
(namely with free variables inside the closure's source):

def foo(): pass
def bar(x):
  def fiep(): return x()
  return fiep

what's bar(foo).__source__?

Generally, I'm opposed to the feature -- I don't think it provides a
real advantage giving it's limitations (doesn't work for import'ed
modules, classes + methods != module, etc.).


On Fri, 3 Dec 2004 11:54:25 +0200 (EET), Stelios Xanthakis
<sxanth at ceid.upatras.gr> wrote:
> Hi all.
> Now that 2.4 is out and everything maybe it's
> about time to start discussing the "use the
> __source__ Luke" feature which IMO will really
> boost python into a new domain of exciting
> possibilities.
> I've prepared a pre-PEP which is not very good
> but it is a base.
> In short, the feature is good and it enables
> editing of python code at runtime instead of
> the runfile-exit-edit-run-exit-edit-run cycle.
> We have the following possibilities as to whether
> __source__ data is marshalled and the feature is
> always enabled.
> [1] Command line switch and not marshalled
> [2] Always on and not marshalled
> [3] Always on and marshalled
> There is also [4] which doesn't make much sense.
> If I was BDFL I'd go for [1] so whoever wants it
> can enable it and whoever doesn't can't complain,
> and they'll all leave me alone.
> Phillip J. Eby expressed some concerns that the
> modules that depend on __source__ will eventually
> take over and it will become a standard.
> Anyway, the PEP is attached.
> You can mail me with votes on the feature and if you
> want on your preferred option from 1,2,3.
> If I get votes I'll post the results later.
> If this is accepted I'll try to come up with a good
> patch vs 2.4
> Thanks,
> St.
> Title: The __source__ attribute
> Version: $Revision: 1.10 $
> Last-Modified: $Date: 2003/09/22 04:51:49 $
> Author: Stelios Xanthakis
> Status: Draft
> Type: Standards Track
> Content-Type: text/plain
> Created: 19-Nov-2004
> Python-Version: 2.4.1
> Post-History:
> Abstract
>      This PEP suggests the implementation of __source__ attribute for
>      functions and classes.  The attribute is a read-only string which
>      is generated by the parser and is a copy of the original source
>      code of the function/class (including comments, indentation and
>      whitespace).
> Motivation
>      It is generally a tempting idea to use python as an interface to
>      a program.  The developers can implement all the functionality
>      and instead of designing a user interface, provide a python
>      interpreter to their users.  Take for example one of the existing
>      web browsers: they have everything that would be needed to write
>      a script which downloads pages automatically or premutates the
>      letters of web pages before they are displayed, but it is not
>      possible for the user to do these things because the interface
>      of these applications is static.
>      A much more powerful approach would be an interface which is
>      dynamically constructed by the user to meet the user's needs.
>      The most common development cycle of python programs is:
>      write .py file - execute .py file - exit - enhance .py file -
>      execute .py file - etc.  With the implementation of the __source__
>      attribute though the development/modification of python code
>      can happen at run-time.  Functions and classes can be defined,
>      modified or enhanced while the python shell is running and
>      all the changes can be saved by saving the __source__ attribute
>      of globals before termination.  Moreover, in such a system
>      it is possible to modify the "code modification routines" and
>      eventually we have a self-modifying interface.  Using a
>      program also means improving its usability.
>      The current solution of using 'inspect' to get the source
>      code of functions is not adequate because it doesn't work
>      for code defined with "exec" and it doesn't have the source
>      of functions/classes defined in the interactive mode.  Generally,
>      a "file" is something too abstract.  What is more real is the
>      data received by the python parser and that is what is stored
>      in __source__.
> Specification
>      The __source__ attribute is a read-only attribute of functions
>      and classes.  Its type is string or None.  In the case of None
>      it means that the source was not available.
>      The indentation of the code block is the original identation
>      obeying nested definitions.  For example:
>          >>> class A:
>          ...     def foo (self):
>          ...         print """Santa-Clauss
>          ... is coming to town"""
>          >>> def spam ():
>          ...     def closure ():
>          ...         pass
>          ...     return closure
>          >>> print A.foo.__source__
>              def foo (self):
>                  print """Santa-Clauss
>          is coming to town"""
>          >>> print spam().__source__
>              def closure ():
>                  pass
>      The attribute is not marshaled and therefore not stored in
>      ".pyc" files.  As a consequence, functions and classes of
>      imported modules have __source__==None.
>      We propose that the generation of __source__ will be
>      controlled by a command line option.  In the case this
>      feature is not activated by the command line option, the
>      attribute is absent.
> Rationale
>      Generally, "import" refers to modules that either have a file in
>      a standard location or they are distributed in ".pyc" form only.
>      Therefore in the case of modules, getting the source with
>      "inspect" is adequate.  Moreover, it does not make sense saving
>      __source__ in ".pyc" because the point would be to save
>      modifications in the original ".py" file (if available).
>      On the issue of the command-line option controlling the generation
>      of __source__, please refer to the section about the overhead
>      of this feature.  The rationale is that those applications that
>      do not wish to use this feature can avoid it (cgi scripts in
>      python benchmarked against another language).
> Overhead
>      The python's parser is not exactly well-suited for such a feature.
>      Execution of python code goes through the stages of lexical
>      analysis, tokenization, generation of AST and execution of
>      bytecode.  In order to implement __source__, the tokenizer has
>      to be modified to store the lines of the current translation
>      unit.  Those lines are then attached the root node of the
>      AST.  While the AST is compiled we have to keep a reference
>      of the current node in order to be able to find the next node
>      after the node for which we wish to generate __source__, get
>      the first and the last line of our block and then refer to
>      the root node to extract these lines and make a string.  All
>      these actions add a minor overhead to some heavily optimized
>      parts of python.  However, once compilation to bytecode is
>      done, this feature no longer affects the performance of the
>      execution of the bytecode.
>      There is also the issue of the memory spent to store __source__.
>      In our opinion, this is worth the tradeoff for those who
>      are willing to take advantage of it.
> Implementation
>      There is a sample implementation at [2] which consists of a
>      patch against python 2.3.4.  The patch has to be improved
>      to avoid generating __source__ for the case we are importing
>      modules for the first time (not from .pyc).  In the sample
>      implementation there is also included a sample shell that
>      takes advantage of __source__ and demonstrates some aspects
>      that motivated us towards patching python and submitting this
>      PEP.
> References
>      [1] PEP 1, PEP Purpose and Guidelines, Warsaw, Hylton
>          http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0001.html
>      [2] Sample implementation
>          http://students.ceid.upatras.gr/~sxanth/ISYSTEM/python-PIESS.tar.gz
> Copyright
>      This document has been placed in the public domain.
> Local Variables:
> mode: indented-text
> indent-tabs-mode: nil
> sentence-end-double-space: t
> fill-column: 70
> End:
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