[Python-Dev] building python with profiling support

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Mon Feb 9 07:07:12 EST 2004

Jeremy Hylton <jeremy at alum.mit.edu> writes:

> I've used gprof to profile the interpreter in the past, but I'm stuck
> trying to it again on my current machine.  I configured Python by saying
>     CC="gcc -pg" ../configure
> That's the way I've built Python for profiling in the past and that's
> what the README says to do.  The python binary that gets generated
> doesn't generate a gmon.out file.
> It appears that the problem is with the command used to generate the
> actual Python executable:
> c++ -pthread  -Xlinker -export-dynamic -o python \
>                 Modules/python.o \
>                 libpython2.4.a -lpthread -ldl  -lutil   -lm
> The -pg flag has been lost.
> Can anyone suggest a recipe that will work?  Or suggest how to modify
> the Makefile so that the -pg flag gets passed along.

I think when I last did this I pasted the link line into my terminal
and added "-pg" by hand...


  ARTHUR:  The ravenours bugblatter beast of Traal ... is it safe?
    FORD:  Oh yes, it's perfectly safe ... it's just us who are in 
                    -- The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Episode 6

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