[Python-Dev] Re: Plea for function/method syntax sugar
(PEP 318, with a different syntax)
Phillip J. Eby
pje at telecommunity.com
Thu Feb 19 13:55:04 EST 2004
At 05:06 PM 2/19/04 +0000, Michael Hudson wrote:
>Bob Ippolito <bob at redivi.com> writes:
> > Also note that the patch also adds the same sugar to classes, so you
> > could use it in lieu of metaclasses for some cases (like transforming
> > some members that follow a naming convention into properties):
> >
> > >>> class Foo(object) [type]:
> > ... pass
> > ...
> > >>> Foo
> > <type 'type'>
>FWIW, I'm rather less convinced this is useful.
class Foo(object) [instancesProvide(IFoo)]:
is actually somewhat more useful. Right now, the packages that do this
sort of thing (Zope and PyProtocols) use a pseudometaclass in order to
spell it more like this:
class Foo(object):
Being able to spell it the other way would allow a less "magical"
implementation for various types of class metadata.
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