[Python-Dev] Re: new syntax for wrapping (PEP 318)

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Wed Feb 25 17:08:33 EST 2004

On Feb 25, 2004, at 4:52 PM, Mark Russell wrote:

> On Wed, 2004-02-25 at 21:02, Skip Montanaro wrote:
>> I think another keyword would be pretty superfluous.  Function 
>> modifiers
>> would be a fairly advanced feature anyway (I personally have yet to 
>> use
>> classmethod or staticmethod), so the extra keyword would probably be
>> unnecessary for most people reading and needing to truly understand a 
>> bit of
>> code.  If they are deemed not all that advanced, they should probably 
>> be
>> discussed in the tutorial.
> Just a data point from a user: I use classmethod fairly frequently, and
> I would *love* to see some syntax to support it.  As has been pointed
> out before, classmethod (and staticmethod) are a part of the interface
> of a function, and shouldn't be tacked on to the end of the body.
> Please let me put them where people (and hopefully pydoc and pychecker)
> can easily see them.
> I marginally prefer [] to "as", but I don't have strong feelings either
> way.  Both seem quite readable and pythonic to me.

I'm in the same camp, I /need/ something sooner than later to make 
certain kinds of code usable, I don't care if it's spelled [] or as.


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