[Python-Dev] Re: new syntax for wrapping (PEP 318)

Moore, Paul Paul.Moore at atosorigin.com
Thu Feb 26 04:26:30 EST 2004

From: Andrew Bennetts
> Exactly -- this is why a keyword isn't need, the decorator is the "keyword".
> Where Java people need to lookup "static" in their language manual, Python
> people will lookup "staticmethod" in the library reference.  The
> documentation for staticmethod would presumably mention that it's a "function
> decorator", and link to the appropriate docs, and maybe even give an example.

This is a very good point. Assuming the "as" keyword, any user who saw

    def f(a, b, c) as classmethod:

and looked up "as" rather than "classmethod" has clearly been having a bad day.

Who, as a new user, saw

    "import something as another"

and looked up "as" rather than "import"? Go on - admit it. You're among friends :-)


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