[Python-Dev] Specifying Python version when running piethon benchmark

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Fri Jan 2 07:12:37 EST 2004

Skip Montanaro <skip at pobox.com> writes:

>     Dennis> I suspect there are other folks who have run the pie-con
>     Dennis> benchmarks on their machines.  Perhaps we should construct a
>     Dennis> chart.
> 800 MHz Ti PowerBook (G4), using Python from CVS, output of make (second
> run of two, to make sure pyo files were already generated):
>     time python -O b.py >@out
>     real    0m49.999s
>     user    0m46.610s
>     sys     0m1.030s
>     cmp @out out
> The best-of-three pystone measurement is 10964.9 pystones/second.

Bloody hell, that about what I get on my 600Mhz G3 iBook (same model
as Dan's, sounds like).  Does your TiBook have no cache or a *really*
slow bus or something?


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