[Python-Dev] Relaxing Unicode error handling

Hye-Shik Chang perky at i18n.org
Sat Jan 3 09:33:32 EST 2004

On Sat, Jan 03, 2004 at 12:44:52PM +0100, Martin v. Loewis wrote:
> People keep complaining that they get Unicode errors
> when funny characters start showing up in their inputs.
> In some cases, these people would apparantly be happy
> if Python would just "keep going", IOW, they want to
> get moji-bake (garbled characters), instead of
> exceptions that abort their applications.
> I'd like to add a static property unicode.errorhandling,
> which defaults to "strict". Applications could set this
> to "replace" or "ignore", silencing the errors, and
> risking loss of data.

I'd like to see this feature in python very much. :)
But don't we keep these sort of variables in sys module?


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