[Python-Dev] PEP 326 now online

Raymond Hettinger python at rcn.com
Mon Jan 5 16:44:01 EST 2004

> I've submitted my latest changes that I believe address the concerns
> brought up since I last emailed the list.  Until they are in CVS and
> the standard PEP page, it can be found here:
> http://josiahcarlson.no-ip.org/pep-0326.html

+1  It would occasionally be useful to have ready access to an object
whose sole purpose is to compare higher or lower than everything else.

Robert Brewer's idea to use spelled-out names, cmp.high and cmp.low, is
easy to remember, better for non-native English speakers, and reasonably

As for the open issues section, I am -1 on changing the behavior of
min/max to return the new objects when given an empty list.  Likewise,
I'm -1 on having the operators do any math except for comparisons.  The
idea is most attractive in its simplest form -- there is no reason to
make something hard out of something simple.

Raymond Hettinger

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