[Python-Dev] collections module

Raymond Hettinger python at rcn.com
Sun Jan 11 20:38:14 EST 2004

> [Kurt B. Kaiser]
> > Note that if no pop(0)'s are ever done on the list there is no wrap
> > around and the slowdown is limited to the access of blocksize plus a
> > test; no modulo arithmetic is necessary.  This is also the case if
> > list doesn't grow and items are only removed, including list[0].
> > in the latter case, the memmoves associated with internal deletions
> > will dominate the performance in all implementations.

> Neither case holds for a queue; the question that started this was
> to provide a fancy queue implementation in C, and (of course) Guido
> rather see Python lists efficiently usable for that purpose too.  I
> suspected that might not be a realistic hope, and now I'm starting to
> *think* it too <wink>.

It needn't be especially fancy.  Here is what I had in mind:

n = 50
class fifo(object):

    def __init__(self):
	  # block[0:n] is for data and block[n] is a link field
        self.head = self.tail = [None] * (n+1)
        self.headptr = self.tailptr = 0

    def push(self, x):
        if self.headptr == n:
            newblock = [None] * (n+1)
            self.head[n] = newblock
            self.head = newblock
            self.headptr = 0
        self.head[self.headptr] = x
        self.headptr += 1

    def pop(self):
        if self.tail is self.head and self.tailptr >= self.headptr:
            raise IndexError
        if self.tailptr == n:
            self.tail = self.tail[n]
            self.tailptr = 0
        x = self.tail[self.tailptr]
        self.tailptr += 1
        return x

The memory manager is called once every for 50 queue insertions and
memory is freed after every 50 pops.  Outside of that, every push and
pop just a fast array access and pointer increment.  Long queues incur
about a 15-20% space overhead as compared to a straight-list
implementation.  Speedwise, this beats the socks off of the current

Raymond Hettinger



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