[Python-Dev] patching webbrowser.py for OS X

Stephan Deibel sdeibel at wingide.com
Tue Jan 13 13:51:51 EST 2004

Just wanted to make sure people looking at webbrowser.py know about the
following patch I posted on Source Forge last April:

[ 728278 ] Multiple webbrowser.py bug fixes / improvements

It makes quite a few changes, including fixing some OS X support.  
Hopefully some form of this can make it into 2.4...

I've been lurking here for years but I think this is my first post so I'll
do a quick introduction:  I'm co-founder of Archaeopteryx Software, Inc,
which makes Wing IDE, one of the commercial IDEs for Python.  I also run
pythonology.org, edited the Python Success Stories collection found there,
and try to help out with Python advocacy and things like press releases.  

Thanks to all for Python's elegance and incredibly high quality!

Stephan Deibel

Wing IDE for Python
Archaeopteryx Software, Inc
Take Flight!


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