[Python-Dev] Re: Switching to VC.NET 2003

Bob Arnson python at bobs.org
Sun Jan 18 17:21:00 EST 2004

Sunday, January 18, 2004, 3:57:45 PM, you wrote:

> But can you use that also to address a subfolder? I.e. if that were
> to contain a backslash ("Programming\Python 2.4" instead of
> "Python  2.4"), would that work?

Yes, that works. Surprised me too.<g> I would have expected a problem with MSI creating the subdirectory automatically. However, there is some problem with my hack because it doesn't remove the shortcuts at uninstall time. I authored the custom action into the execute sequence, so it should have run at uninstall time too, so I'm not sure what's wrong...


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