[Python-Dev] Developer looking to help fix bugs

Mike Mangino michael.mangino at comcast.net
Tue Jul 13 05:20:37 CEST 2004


My name is Mike Mangino. I am an IT weenie in Chicago Illinois, USA who
has used python in various projects for several years. I have recently
finished school (again) and am looking for a project I can work on to
learn. My huge ambition is to eventually port python to the palm pilot
with a reasonable graphical interface. I have learned my lesson in the
past about jumping into ambitious projects too quickly. As such, I am
interested fixing and triaging bugs in the sourceforge tracker. 

Earlier today I added a comment to http://www.python.org/sf/982679 to
tell the user how to fix the problem they were having (it was a bug in
their code, not python) How do I have somebody close that request? In
the future, if I fix one of the issues, is there somebody I should email
to make changes?

I look forward to helping out in whatever way I can. I have experience
in C, Java, databases and many other languages in addition to an MBA
with focus on Finance. My guess is that the C will be most helpful, but
who knows. If you want to discuss asset pricing, I can probably help
with that as well.

If anyone is in the Chicago area, I would love to buy you a beer and
pick your brain.

Mike Mangino

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