[Python-Dev] Developer looking to help fix bugs

Dan Gass dan.gass at gmail.com
Tue Jul 13 17:16:09 CEST 2004

> Personally, I believe patch reviews might help most at this point:
> take some of the old patches, and evaluate them. Find out whether they
> do what they say they do, and whether they do it correctly. If they
> fix a bug, determine whether what they change really is a bug, and
> whether the fix won't break existing code. Also check whether a test
> case accompanies the fix. If the patch adds a new feature, determine
> whether the feature is desirable, and whether it comes with
> documentation and test cases. Put your analysis as a comment in
> the patch.

Help reviewing patch #914575 (difflib patch to add HTML side by side
difference) (https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=305470&aid=914575&group_id=5470)
would be appreciated.  I am in the process of writing the docs and
tests but the user interface to the new functionality could use
another person's perspective.

> > If anyone is in the Chicago area, I would love to buy you a beer and
> > pick your brain.

I'm just north of you by 90 miles in Milwaukee but don't like beer :-(

Dan Gass

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