[Python-Dev] Adding directories to configure.in for fink?

Brett C. bac at OCF.Berkeley.EDU
Fri Jul 16 19:32:31 CEST 2004

Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

> If you're going to do this for Fink, don't you want to do it for
> DarwinPorts too?  XEmacs's configure has a --site-prefixes switch such
> that --site-prefixes=/sw does both --site-includes=/sw/include and
> --site-libraries=/sw/lib.  This handles both Fink and DarwinPorts (and
> anythign else that might come along) in a sensible way.  Isn't that a
> generic autoconf feature?

I would love to have this as well.  And chances are that people using 
Fink would know how to use this option properly.

And if there was a way to have setup.py be able to get at this 
information that could help eliminate the hard-coded search paths it uses.

And if we could take this even further and have the stuff configure.in 
is passed and discovers available to Fink we could customize the install 
even further.  I bring this up because if you do a 
--without-toolbox-glue build on OS X you get a ton of failed links of 
various modules that want Carbon stuff that they don't get since they 
were turned off.  If that flag was available in setup.py then we could 
just add a conditional making sure that the flag was not flipped to off.


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