[Python-Dev] bdist_wininst
Thomas Heller
theller at python.net
Mon Jul 19 11:48:50 CEST 2004
Walter Dörwald <walter at livinglogic.de> writes:
> Thomas Heller wrote:
>>>>>>bdist_wininst has seen a lot of bug fixes and improvements, mostly by
>>>>>>Mark, partly by me.
>>>>>>I'd like to 'improve' the visual appearance, too.
>>>>>One improvement would be proper treatment of Unicode. Currently it
>>>>>doesn't seem to be possible to use unicode objects with umlauts in the
>>>>>arguments to distutils.core.setup(). Some of my Windows packages say
>>>>>"Author: Walter Dxf6rwald"
>> Walter, can you try out the attached patch? It seems to work for me.
>> Both for unicode and ascii strings as author name, containing an umlaut.
> Installing http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.4/Python-2.4a1.msi,
> applying your patch to the CVS version and copying the distutils
> directory over C:\Programme\Python24\Lib\distutils gives me the
> following:
I doubt this traceback has to do with my patch. Can you try again,
first without the patch, after doing 'cvs update -A', to make sure you
have the most recent version? (We should probably move this to the SF tracker)
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