[Python-Dev] RE: test_sort.py failure

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Thu Jul 29 14:36:00 CEST 2004


The following (just checked in) changes should solve the problem:

* drop the unreasonable list invariant that ob_item should never come back
  to NULL during the lifetime of the object.

* listobject.c nevertheless did not conform to the other invariants,
  either; fixed.

* listobject.c now uses list_clear() as the obvious internal way to clear
  a list, instead of abusing list_ass_slice() for that.  It makes it easier
  to enforce the invariant about ob_item == NULL.

* listsort() sets allocated to -1 during sort; any mutation will set it
  to a value >= 0, so it is a safe way to detect mutation.  A negative
  value for allocated does not cause a problem elsewhere currently.
  test_sort.py has a new test for this fix.

* listsort() leak: if items were added to the list during the sort, AND if
  these items had a __del__ that puts still more stuff into the list,
  then this more stuff (and the PyObject** array to hold them) were
  overridden at the end of listsort() and never released.


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