[Python-Dev] Stackless Python

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Tue Jun 1 08:02:27 EDT 2004

Martin v. Löwis wrote:

> My point is that Stackless 3.0 is probably not acceptable for
> integration into C Python because of the processor-specific
> assembler fragments.

Ok, that can be dropped and put into an extension.

>> The discussion, as often before, tries to find out why it is *not*
>> possible to include Stackless, instead of finding out the useful
>> parts which could be supported with relatively small impact.
>> This is why Stackless exists, and will continue to exist.
> That's because people always ask the question "Can it be included?"
> They never ask "If I were to contribute this and that part, would
> it be accepted?".
> Actually, this thread *started* with the question "Why isn't Python
> stackless?" to which the correct answer is "Because nobody has
> contributed patches." Only then people get excited and think that
> Stackless 3.0 would be part of Python 2.5.

I didn't understand the question this way, although it was probably
meant so. For me it was more like "why doesn't it aim for Stackless'
features". Although I'm trying to make Stackless as clean and
compatible as possible, I'm not trying to have my current version
ready for inclusion. Development is more influenced by user requests.

I think, the heart of the thing is to decide whether Python wants
to go the way to make as much as possible calls non-recursive.
This is a lot of work, and I did one possible implementation,
which minimized changes to the rest of the system.
If we try to modify Python to be stackless, we would probably
got more rigorous ways and change more of the design. I can't
do that alone. I doubt that anybody would be able to create
such a re-design alone, while keeping up with Python development,
that does quite much in the opposite direction.
This must become a goal of the core developer group.

all the best - chris
Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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