[Python-Dev] Re: Stackless Python

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Thu Jun 3 08:54:36 EDT 2004

Paul Moore wrote:
> Christian Tismer <tismer at stackless.com> writes:
>>This is true, we have written demo implementations of tasklets
>>with pure Python and threads on the last sprint.
>>The difference is that nobody would use these for production code,
> I don't know if this is true. In a production environment where there
> is an existing Python installation, but no Stackless installation, and
> where performance is not a killer issue, tasklets *may* be useful for
> their organisational benefits.
> I say *may* because I don't know much about tasklets. A pure Python
> implementation may help my understanding.
> Is the demo downloadable from anywhere?

Yes, in current cvs under Stackless/demo/stephan

cheers - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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