[Python-Dev] Re: Python CVS docs - libposixpath.tex is wrong file!

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake at acm.org
Tue Jun 8 11:27:38 EDT 2004

On Monday 07 June 2004 08:00 pm, Mat Martineau wrote:
 > It looks like something went awry with sf.net CVS - somehow
 > libposixpath.tex (and all of its revision history) got swapped out
 > with a file from the "moodle" project.  I've verified on separate
 > machines and clean CVS checkouts.  The file CVS has been handing out
 > since this morning (at least) is attached - definitely not a LaTeX
 > file!
 > Thought you'd want to know.

Mat just alerted me to this screwed-up file in the Python CVS.  Doing a "cvs 
log" on Doc/lib/libposixpath.tex shows an error in the repository:

cvs [log aborted]: unexpected '\x0' reading revision number in RCS file 

The most recent version of the file I can find on my disks (that isn't 
corrupt) is dated 16 April 2004.  I've started looking through the snapshots 
at http://cvs.perl.org/snapshots/python/python/ for a more recent good copy, 
but I'd really like a good copy of the ,v from the repository itself.

Does anyone have a recent copy of that?


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at acm.org>
PythonLabs at Zope Corporation

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