[Python-Dev] Re: Python CVS docs - libposixpath.tex is wrong file!

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Tue Jun 8 13:43:43 EDT 2004

Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:
> The most recent version of the file I can find on my disks (that isn't 
> corrupt) is dated 16 April 2004.  I've started looking through the snapshots 
> at http://cvs.perl.org/snapshots/python/python/ for a more recent good copy, 
> but I'd really like a good copy of the ,v from the repository itself.
> Does anyone have a recent copy of that?



a lot of snapshots of the CVS repository are stored. I haven't looked
through them, but I would expect that one of them has the most recent
uncorrupted repository file; atleast .160 has the file apparently
still intact, and goes up to libposixpath.py,v rev 1.38/

If you cannot extract the necessary information out of these files,
please let me know.

The current snapshot has a file libposixpath.py,v which is completely
unrelated, which looks like SF had a disk corruption.


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