[Python-Dev] Re: VC 7.1 maintenance?

Moore, Paul Paul.Moore at atosorigin.com
Fri Jun 18 04:13:43 EDT 2004

From: Ivan R. Judson
>> Is VC2003 a fancier name for VC7.1? or at least binary compatible?
>> Will this allow people to compile extensions without $$ to MS?

> The free download is the compiler and linker and basic tools to build apps.
> The part that costs money is the Visual Studio Development Environment (the
> IDE and higher level tools), however I can find the concrete details if you
> want them.

The problem for Python development is that the free download VC doesn't
support linking to the DLL verstion of the CRT (msvcr71). This means that
there will still be CRT incompatibilities if extensions are built with this
compiler :-(

Mingw is another option, as the latest version of mingw allows building DLLs
which link to msvcr71, but it's pretty bleeding-edge, and I haven't been able
to do much work yet on proving the relevant distutils support is there, as I
don't have an up-to-date Python binary build. I'm planning on doing some
testing when 2.4a1 comes out...


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