[Python-Dev] PEP 318 - generality of list; restrictions on elements

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake at acm.org
Wed Mar 10 13:40:07 EST 2004

On Wednesday 10 March 2004 11:52 am, Moore, Paul wrote:
 > PS I'm rapidly going off Guido's def f [...] (...) suggestion. As Just
 >    pointed out, I dislike even spaces between the function name and the
 >    argument list, so decorators there really do grate.

I'm with you on this point.  The "def name [...] (args...):" syntax is 
probably bearable for one decorator, but seems intolerable for the case of 
multiple decorators.  While the single-decorator case will likely be the most 
common, I think multiple decorators won't be so unusual that they should be 
severely burdened with cumbersome syntax.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at acm.org>
PythonLabs at Zope Corporation

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