[Python-Dev] PEP 318 trial balloon (wrappers)

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Thu Mar 11 15:40:38 EST 2004

At 03:11 PM 3/11/04 -0500, Jewett, Jim J wrote:

>class Foo:
>     [transform] from:
>         def bar():
>             pass
>The bar() function is now defined exactly as it was before,
>except that it is an extra indent to the right.

-1 (times ten to a high power).  Better the PEP be rejected than use this 

It is ambiguous precisely *because* it introduces a new suite.  Suites in 
Python indicate a difference in execution context, often along with 
introducing a new namespace.  This new syntax does neither.

Also, in Python a name to be bound is always the first or second token of a 
statement.  This syntax buries the name inside the suite, appearing *after* 
the definition of what's going to be bound to the name.

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