[Python-Dev] dateutil

Robert Brewer fumanchu at amor.org
Fri Mar 12 11:08:04 EST 2004

Brett C. wrote:
> Responding to both Tim's and Gustavo's follow-ups to my email here.
> Personally I would 
> love for datetime objects to have a class method to be able 
> to take in 
> the appropriate ISO-formatted date/time string and return the 
> appropriate datetime object.  Otherwise I would rather keep the 
> interface clean of string parsing short of using strptime .

I use:

def datefromiso(isoString, todayOnError=True):
        args = tuple(map(int, isoString.split(u'-')))
        return datetime.date(*args)
    except (TypeError, ValueError), x:
        if todayOnError:
            return datetime.date.today()
            raise x

def timefromiso(isoString, zeroOnError=True):
        args = tuple(map(int, isoString.split(u':')))
        return datetime.time(*args)
    except (TypeError, ValueError), x:
        if zeroOnError:
            return datetime.time(0)
            raise x

>  > * Computing of Easter Sunday dates for any given year,
>  >   using Western, Orthodox or Julian algorithms;
> Don't really see the use in this other than the rule figuring 
> this out 
> is odd enough that I never remember.  Who really cares when Easter is 
> beyond certain religious groups?

Lots of schools still structure Spring Break around Easter...since my
org works with youth to a large extent, that means we do about 1/8 of
our business for the year during Palm Sunday week and Easter week. Just
an example.

Robert Brewer
Amor Ministries
fumanchu at amor.org

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