[Python-Dev] Changes to PEP 327: Decimal data type

Shane Hathaway shane at zope.com
Thu Mar 18 11:06:59 EST 2004

Barry Warsaw wrote:
> I've gone back and forth on this issue several times, but the rationale
> that Tim refers to has to do with conversations we've had on various
> lists, and the decision we made with the email package.  At the time,
> lowercase_with_underscores was preferred by non-native English speakers
> over mixedCaseWords.  It seems that the latter can give non-native
> English speakers more difficulty.

I can understand that.  alllowercaseismuchworsethough. ;-)

> Sometimes though, I still like mixedCase. ;)

I do too, since IMHO it's easier to type, but I think it's more 
important to agree on a standard.  (Now, it just occurred to me that if 
I map shift+space to the underscore character, typing 
lowercase_with_underscores is easier.  You can do this with khotkeys or 
xmodmap.  Now I wonder if I can train myself to use it.)


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