[Python-Dev] Changes to PEP 327: Decimal data type

Frank "Synesthetic Polydactalist" Lomax lomax at pumpichank.com
Thu Mar 18 11:39:36 EST 2004

    > Barry Warsaw wrote:
    >> I've gone back and forth on this issue several times, but the rationale
    >> that Tim refers to has to do with conversations we've had on various
    >> lists, and the decision we made with the email package.  At the time,
    >> lowercase_with_underscores was preferred by non-native English speakers
    >> over mixedCaseWords.  It seems that the latter can give non-native
    >> English speakers more difficulty.

    > I can understand that.  alllowercaseismuchworsethough. ;-)


    >> Sometimes though, I still like mixedCase. ;)

    > I do too, since IMHO it's easier to type, but I think it's more
    > important to agree on a standard.

There is something about the font and color scheme I have assigned to the
underscore character.  While it is marginally more difficult to type than an
uppercase letter (see below), the resulting pixel pattern massages certain
pleasure nodules in my visual cortex, often resulting in the most engaging

You are right, though, standards are important.  I will be submitting an IETF
draft on the subject in about three weeks, after I have sufficiently recovered
from the Python conference.

    > (Now, it just occurred to me that
    > if I map shift+space to the underscore character, typing
    > lowercase_with_underscores is easier.  You can do this with khotkeys
    > or xmodmap.  Now I wonder if I can train myself to use it.)

I personally map underscore to alt-meta-shift-ctrl-F11, but then I have to use
all three pinkies and my nose.  My desktop is widely regarded as the most
undriveable desktop in the world, a fact that I am quite proud of, although my
brother, Sabo "Four Thumbs" Lomax would disagree.

i-don't-even-want-to-think-about-what-appendages-tim-uses-ly y'rs, -frank

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