[Python-Dev] method decorators (PEP 318)

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Fri Mar 26 15:42:11 EST 2004

At 02:10 PM 3/26/04 -0600, Skip Montanaro wrote:
>Except in extreme cases (PEAK sort of sounds like it might
>be one), most functions will be of the current type.

This is true even in PEAK.  'binding.Make' is used most often to wrap 
short, simple lambda: functions, rather than lengthy 'def' suites, and 
'events.taskFactory' is only used to wrap functions that will be run as 
pseudothreads in asynchronous, event-driven code.  'binding.classAttr' is 
really a wizard-level thing for framework builders, and so isn't seen in 
app-level code at all.

It's actually *much* more common to use *class* decorators in PEAK, 
actually, since they're used to declare interfaces and security, e.g.:

class Something(binding.Component):




So, if the PEP 318 class decorator syntax were available, these would move 
into an explicit declaration block, rather than just being inline function 

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